this week, after Business Class filed in, the not-so-elite rest of us swarmed
the gate. The line zippers neatly into single file, and toes do not get crushed
for the most part. I said “after you” to a woman and took my place next in line
to get my boarding pass scanned. As we idled in the jetway she threw a
conversational volley over my shoulder to the woman behind me. I realized they
were colleagues and that I had slud (that’s the Georgia past tense for slid
y’all) betwixt them.
“ooops. You two are together, I’ll
get out of your way”
I cleared a little space for 2nd woman, dressed
smartly for business to occupy, and join her companion. We made a small
“No, it’s all right, we get about
enough of each other”, smilingly she said.
Their conversation resumed. 1st woman to 2nd:
“See? Happy? Glad you took my
She gestured down, and I, being me, took note of the casual
loafers quietly padding the carpet beneath tights and skirts. Clearly, the
heeled pumps were in their upright and locked position in the carry on bags.
“Oh god yes, my feet were killing
I smiled.
“Oh, but now I am being judged”
says woman #2 looking my way.
“No, no, no, I am not the judging
“Men judge, come on admit it”
“Sure, but I am not like most men”
3 quick swipes and a couple of clicks later, there in my
palm, a smart picture of Petra perched atop her typical 4” closed toe stilettoes.
“I am good for 6 hours, tops, in
these. And no way could I drag a bag through an airport in heels”
She gave me the quick head-to-toe, took my iPhone, panned
and zoomed.
“Whoah! OK, I believe you, you are
not judging. But you are kind of
judging aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah. I still think you have
nice legs, even without the heels”.

Smiles and second looks. She handed the phone to woman #1.
Same routine, evaluating the delta between the pretty picture and the present evidently
masculine me. She handed the phone back with a smile. The line resumed forward
motion towards the door for the desperate dash for overhead bins and the
dubious comforts of our various seat assignments. We 3 lost each other in the mosh
I hoped vainly that they might chat about the encounter
during our flight home. Perhaps yes, perhaps no. We live in times where surely
there are more pressing or confusing or interesting things to talk about than a
chap who happily shares pictures of himself in a dress with complete strangers.
So I also hoped they got back to whatever they were focused on and did not take
much note of our encounter.
And that, dear Friends, is a little microcosm of my own
quandary vis writing, blogging and etc. What, pray tell, does one have to say
that hasn’t been said? What is remarkable enough to remark upon? Not sure of
the answer, but vainly I suppose I might take a swipe and a click or two at
chatting with you for a while. Quite certain you are not the judging kind
Firstly, I believe that I have never been more happily in
the grip of my need to express femininity. My work situation is home officed.
What I save in commute time gets spent, in part, on dressing. There is nothing
in the work day that necessitates a male presentation layer. I have the voice I
have. It sounds the same whether I am in PJ’s or LBD. I remember to not
click-clack around in heels without the mute key during con calls.
Being winter time, my surfaces are sleek. I so love the
feeling of smooth skin, I so love pampering my legs, and I still marvel at
their appearance even though I have known them pretty well for close to 54
The wardrobe continues to grow. The growth is more refined,
more old-vine than it was in the mad compulsive early days. Good god but I went
through the shops like a combine through a wheat field then.
Kissed a lot of frogs figuring out size, silhouette, suitability, sexiness, the
whole shebang. The apprenticeship worked.
I have everything (in terms of wardrobe) that I need. When I
add a piece, it is correct. And if the piece is not drastically discounted,
patience, that supremely womanly virtue is exercised.
So, opportunity to express is abundant. The wardrobe is
correct. The season is welcoming. Life is good. But it is all a bit solitary.
For reasons I will not go into in detail here, the girl doesn’t get out as
often as one might hope. But I do get to rub elbows here and there, time to
time, and that does the body and soul good, yes?
Let’s take yesterday as a fine and still well remembered
example. My addled mind has at least that much recall.
I had a rough outline of the day in place, and a part of it
came into sharp focus on coffee #3. Redhead. Gorgeous. Red. Hair. My primary
wig is getting a little tired and who am I fooling with bangs at this stage of
my life? So, dressed (khaki mid-calf side-zip, knot-waist, cheetah-print top
and a light cardi), made up and tottered off.
Tragedy and triumph all in the same motion. The tragedy is
that my complexion just dies under red hair. Or auburn. Or strawberry blond.
The whole damn spectrum fails me and I must tell you that realization stings
more than just a little. Red hair has always snapped my head around for a
second look. I want a little of that magic. Alas, thwarted.
That said, all the colors under the sun are on display. The
store is a veritable arena, filled to capacity with unmoving alabaster faces beneath
the blond, brown and black, the monochrome and highlighted, the kinky, the
curly, the wavy and the straight. Take a Petra tip, when trying on more than
one wig, take a selfie for reference purposes. It took about an hour to wade
through the candidates and adopt my new hair. The picture will save me a
thousand words and you a leap of imagination and a few minutes to boot.
I love the new me. Still can’t shoot a selfie for beans, but
hopefully the shape of the smile confers my delight.
So, with new tresses in place and a dire need to show them
off, uptown to
Anna Bella we go. I found this gorgeous lingerie shop last year while
I was looking for something else, and a parking spot opened up just as first I
pulled by. I had a good chat with Proprietor Pam that day about likes and
dislikes, but being in drab mode did not want to avail myself of a fitting.
Have had quite a few fittings since then. Honestly, no need for more knickers in my life,
but there is simply no place on the planet more completely, exclusively and
exhilaratingly feminine than a fitting room with a brace of bras on the hook.
I am willing to indulge for that feeling. God help me I even
pay full retail. Retail is to me as daylight is to a Vampire, but here I make
an exception. The merchandise assortment is terrific. The lighting is great.
The fitting rooms are spacious. And the staff, god love ‘em all, are just a
delight to be with. Having a girl-friend help you on and off with pretty
things, wrapping yourself up in a little kimono to pad around the shop,
striding out into the day with a be-ribboned bag, festooned with tissue paper
and stuffed with pretty things that are perfect, it just does not get any
The shop was just newly opened when I first stumbled in. I
suspect I was Pam’s first openly special-needs shopper. I know I am not the
last. But dammit Pam, if I am not your favorite, I just don’t know what to say.
Love you! As for the rest of today’s readers, if you are in Atlanta, go visit.
With a new pair of
pretty sets in hand, back home to feed
the mutts and turn up the style dial a notch or 2 for a trip to
Lips. Now I
know that
Drag Reviews are not everyone’s cup o’ tea, and when done poorly, a little
offensive to me too. Staff and Performers at
Lips however are first rate. The
joint is sold right out, 3 shows a night Friday, Saturday and for Sunday brunch
and for good reasons. The food is good, the show is wild, the audience
participation is full throated.
It’s the Bachelorette and Birthday party set that really
light up the place though. The guests are 90-95% female and sweet merciful do
they Dress. Tall heels, short hems, smokey eyes, big hair and completely free
(more or less) from judgy guys, they have a totally liberated blast. I love the
place. Perhaps, as a result of my appearance, I am waved in minus the cover
charge, and warmly welcomed. With a little luck there is a free stool at the
corner of the bar while the early show buzzes out and the ecstatic hilarity of
the 9:00 seating gather and glow.

I dress to compete, and if victory is measured in how many
times one is asked “where did you get that dress?” or told “I hate you for your
legs”, well then,
I win.
Complements are to me as plankton is to whale. I’ll
drink anything to get my share. I am that shallow. So there. But truly, the
half dozen chit-chats one engages in prior to the show starting are pure gold.
I feel welcomed. Unjudged. Natural and normal.
Periodically, a meaningful discussion will erupt. Discussion
about race, or economic fairness, about where we grew up and what we miss, the
places we have been or can’t wait to see. Last night I chatted wine with a
pretty Sommelier. We were both squealing about our mutual love of Gruner
Veltliners and Dornfelders and had a little hug about the sorry state of Chards
in this part of the world and why can’t we find a crisp Chablis anywhere?
On another recent visit, I volunteered to take a group snap
for the 4 women who were only getting 3 in the frame at once. I wound up in a
massively engaging and sincere private chat with the smart, confident and
abundantly beautiful daughter of famed Olympic medalist John Carlos. Mr. Carlos
was and remains a real hero to me on 2 axes. In youth, I ran track,
competitively. Olympians were gods. Of greater consequence was Mr. Carlos’, (along
with Tommie C. Smith) startling, epic and vital
contribution to the American
Civil Rights movement.
I can’t recall what trip-wire we hit to get to that point in
the conversation. My right arm went up reflexively in closed fist salute to my
new friends Father. The hair on my arms stood straight up too, tingling,
electric. The presence of greatness. She was floored that I knew the lore, felt
the meaning of what happened in Mexico City in 1968. We spoke for some time
about how far, in some ways, things have come in this part of the world for
people of color since. And how things, in many ways have stood still or bounced
backwards. She is clearly successful, and outwardly undaunted by the barriers,
prejudices and ignorant attitudes that make her success a tougher job than my
success is.
I am conscious always of the unearned benefits and
advantages in my life. I am healthy. I was born in a loving, literate and
supportive home. I grew up in a rich country. My mother tongue is English. My
complexion is pale.
I am playing with house money, having won a ridiculously
longshot lottery. Anyone with the same lotto ticket and the feeling that they
have an axe to grind is just missing something fundamental.
I have a bonus number on the lotto ticket, by the way. My
evident gender is male. For all my delight with the deep personal pool of
femininity I paddle about in here and there, my masculinity suits me well.
Mrs. Bellejambes asked just the other day. “Do you want to
have a sex change?”
The question was unexpected. I did not have a ready answer.
With a couple of days to stew on the ask, I have an answer I did not have
I would prefer a world change to a sex change.
We get a little closer, by the day sometimes don’t we?
Closer to a time when openness about our full spectrum is more possible.
I can scarce believe that is was over 8 years ago that I started
ordering thoughts into words here on my Voyages en Rose. While much has changed
for me, much has changed in the world too. 8 years ago I could not picture a
world where the sort of gender fluidity that is characteristic of my privileged life could exist. I feel today as though it is possible, and perhaps
inevitable. At least for people with a few other crap shoot advantages of time
and circumstance.
I hope your time and circumstances are favorable, improving
and enlivening every damn fiber of being that you possess.
xoxo - Petra